
2-Fluorine Cinnamic Acid : A Better New Medicine Ingredient

According to the census data makes clear, anorectal disease incidence rate of 59.1%, hemorrhoids, anorectal diseases accounted for all 87.25%, which again the hemorrhoids are the most common, accounting for 52.19% of all anorectal diseases. Men and women may get sick, female incidence rate was 67%, the incidence in males was 53.9%; any age can come on, 20-40, which is more common, and with the growth of age and gradually increase, it is an old saying " nine out of ten person has hemorrhoids ".

Treatment of hemorrhoids, the general idea is: medical treatment for the first, only when medical treatment is not good, hemorrhoids, anal prolapse with severe hematochezia from excessive,can has the operation treatment. In the choice of drugs, medication due to pass through the digestive tract, thelocation of disease, so the adverse reaction is relatively small, is the preferred treatment of hemorrhoids. At present, the market has a lot of kinds of hemorrhoids medication, for its effect or the use of methods, the used people probably have deep feelings.

Recently, people invented a 2 fluoride cinnamic acid as the main raw materials of hemorrhoids drugs for external use. The drug can be wiped, affixed to fumigation and washing, the effect is very good, the use of 2 - fluorine cinnamic acid is a kind of pharmaceutical intermediates, pharmaceutical raw materials, are often used to treat hemorrhoids toxic swelling, traumatic injury, traumatic swelling and pain.

