
Cinnamic Acid in Propolis and Wine

1. Propolis and Cinnamic Acid

Bee Products include honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, beeswax, bee venom, and bee larvae, are the most comprehensive therapeutic Jiapin nutrition and medicine. Bee components can regulate physiological functions, improve immune function, enhance the physical, eliminating fatigue, anti-aging, such as the role of inhibition of tumor and beauty, but also treatment and adjuvant treatment of a variety of ills. 

Since 1910 Kustenmacher identified from propolis cinnamic alcohol and cinnamic acid and subsequently, in the north temperate regions of propolis were identified out of more than 300 kinds of compounds. 

The foreign scholars conduct a large number of experiments show that propolis have killed or inhibited bacteria, fungi, pathogens, nematodes, including Bacillus larvae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Staphylococcus aureus grapes bacillus, Streptococcus, Streptomyces, baking yeast, E. coli, Salmonella, 112 strains of anaerobic bacteria, Giardia Lambia, Bacteroides, Klebsiella and other bacteria, Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea molds, bee balloon bacteria, six kinds of fungi such as the human fungal infection, herpes, potato virus, influenza, Newcastle disease and other viruses and worms, etc. (HU Fu-liang, 1998), in which cinnamic acid plays a major role. 

At the same time prove that Propolis (Brazil Bee Propolis and China) as a food ingredient is safe. (Source: "World Agriculture", 2003 12 Authors: Diao Qing-yun Wu Jie Yan Ji Author: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Bees) 

Taipei Medical College, Department of Medicine, Professor Lam Chung-Chau, making anti-cancer research, through FITCAnnexin V / PI chromosomes confirmed that propolis can be quite effective in human liver cancer cell apoptosis, leaving liver to obtain a very excellent therapeutic effect. Propolis can generate large and rapid activation of lymphocyte, with quite a significant increase in activity of immune system. 

Taipei Medical College, has also targeted antivirals properties of propolis, research was done, according to Lam Chung-Chau pointed out that the propolis is able to combat influenza infection, mainly because some of these ingredients, such as cinnamic acid, etc., and synthetic analogues of these components can have sense to inhibit influenza virus replication, especially in the infection period of use, the effect is most evident. 

Tissue protein, fat, and pancreatic protein. Cinnamic acid, caffeic acid and other organic acids have anti-bacteria, viruses, fungi functions, and can treat diarrhea and to stabilize the digestive system effects. 

2. Cinnamic Acid and Wine 

Nutrition professor at the University of Barcelona, Spain, Carmen de la Torre pointed out that the 'Red wine contains a tyrosine-derived benzoic acid, cinnamic acid and other antioxidants, after metabolism in the future, contribute to strengthening the body's immune function, prevents oxidation the role of the process and the release of free radicals. 

She also mentioned that drinking a daily amount ranging from 9 to 34 grams of red wine people, the incidence of cardiovascular disease was significantly lower than those who do not drink red wine. From the clinical trial inspections, drinking red wine on the prevention of elderly people suffering from blindness caused by cataracts, as well as Alzheimer dementia, the effect is quite obvious. 

Italian Wine Research Institute research results Research Results [1995 years] 
By ethanol extraction and HPLC analysis confirmed that: sealing plug used for the production of cork in wine there is a variety of phenolic compounds (benzoic acid and cinnamic acid derivatives, vanillin, lilac aldehyde and processing cannabinoids). 

Study of soft wood storage and boiling on the effects of these compounds. In all samples of cinnamic acid and vanillin are a major part of phenolic compounds. After boiling the soft wood, compared with untreated in the original protocatechuic acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and vanillin concentrations there are significant differences between both. The storage of soft wood and without storage compared to the original protocatechuic acid, 4 - hydroxy benzoic acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid, significant differences exist. Increase the storage of soft wood that can be extracted out of the content of cinnamic acid. 

Meanwhile, boil to reduce the concentration of the same kinds of phenolic, an increase of vanillin concentration. Storage after the treatment of soft wood to boil the cork can be beneficial to the quality and reduce the potential adverse flavor materials (various cinnamic acid) in the total, while increasing the potential positive effect flavor substances (vanillin) in the total .

